“I know this little girl”, I thought. We had come to our missionary friend’s house to borrow some equipment for camp, and I couldn’t help but notice the beautiful 8-year-old. Her eyes fascinated me, and then I began to recognize some familiar feature ...
Diseases in Africa: an accident or inevitability?
The long-awaited summer has finally come – the time for vacation, paid leave and rest. But even during the crisis travel agencies keep working. One can find lots of tours to different destinations, but, as a rule, most tourists prefer going to ...
The construction of our missionary base
During six years’ existence of our mission in Kitale, Kenya, our school, church and orphanage were situated on a rented territory in different parts of the city. This was a reason of all kinds of trouble, because we always had to move somewhere ...
The children of Africa. The story of Atoti Etirivae
The eyes are the window to the soul. We can say a lot about people just having looked into their eyes. The eyes can smile, cry, laugh and astonish by their beauty. They can sparkle playfully or pierce furiously. The magical shining is something that ...
The nature and people of Lake Turkana
If you are a person who does not completely depend on the benefits of civilization and are up for adventures, you should definitely visit Lake Turkana in the north of Kenya. The Lake, measuring 290 km long and 32 km wide, with the maximum depth of 10 ...
The Children of Africa. The story of Mycost and Bravin.
I think, the best thing that can happen to people is the honor to become mothers and fathers! It may seem that children can cause a lot of trouble and problems, but we still love them, no matter what they do! African twins Mycost and Bravin are ne ...
Passing By, Do Not be a Bypasser. A Story of brothers Henry and Peter – homeless children of Africa
Let`s walk down the streets of the city of Kitale. Going by the majority of houses lost in mud and poverty, WE DO NOT JUST PASS BY! The exterior of the cottage, made of clay and cow dung, was a bit better than its interior: a little dark room with ...
Kirill: a missionary and a doctor
Let me introduce myself. My name is Kirill and I was born in 1987 in Kursk. My parents were very dedicated parents; my father was a Protestant pastor. In 1991 he died in a car accident when he was cycling to a meeting. In my childhood I went to the c ...
Promise of the Easter
“On the fourteenth day of the first month the Lord’s Passover is to be held.” (Numbers 28:16). From year to year, generation after generation the Israel people celebrate the holiday of the Passover (Pesach). The rules of this eve ...
Mission Possible!
What is a mission? Ozhegov (a famous Russian lexicographer) interpreted this notion as a responsible task, role, or a commitment. What do we put in this notion? What picture do we draw in our imagination when we hear: “I am a missionary”? ...
African orphans: joy and aching pain
Sometimes African people’s lives deeply affect our consciousness. That is why seeing so many street children around we get very happy by every opportunity to help them. And when these children get to the orphanage, created by missionaries, our ...
Is a child a gift of God or a side effect of carnal pleasures?
April 24th. It’s a very hot and sunny day. I’m parking at a dusty, broken road in Kitale. I've just turned off the engine when I hear someone knocking on the door and saying to me: - Mzungu, nipe kumi bob qua tea! - Which means "Wh ...